Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Halloween

Wow, I had a lot of fun with this one.  Photoshop is sweet.  The first image is a graphite drawing that I did of the character.  I scanned that into photoshop and used it as a guide for the painting.  I really enjoyed this process.  Thanks to Jason Newhouse for handing out such a rad assignment.


Brandon Pike said...

Badass man! Its great to see you have a blog, I'll add a link, nice work brotha!

Maurice Sampson said...

This one's pretty sweet man! Still have a doughnut hangover from the critique the other day!

Unknown said...

Hola, hemos agregado un trackback (enlace hacia este artículo) en el nuestro ya que nos pareció muy interesante la información detallada pero no quisimos copiarla, sino que nuestros lectores vengan directamente a la fuente. Gracias... data credito colombia